Monday, May 16, 2011


I think that the most significant and thoughtful piece that would receive the most immediate reaction would to be completely bald. In honor of my grandfather and all the people in the world who fight against the horrific battle that accompanies cancer, I wanted to show my appreciation and recognition by doing this.

The only thing I don't want from this project is people to misinterpret my alternate identity in thinking I'm making a mockery of cancer patients, or that I myself am battling the disease. I know a girl in Los Angeles whose mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and she got everyone of her friends and family to go bald with her mom as she went through chemotherapy. By doing this act of changing my physical experience, I believe that people will respond positive when I explain that there is no one patient in particular I'm supporting rather than every patient in the test of time. I also believe that doing this alternate identity with give me a better grasp on my life and what I can do as a healthy, able body.

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