Saturday, April 23, 2011


Throughout the chapter, McCloud explains how art is a by product of the human lifestyle and our need for survival. Art is a method that allows us to express ourselves, whether it about your inner emotional or past experiences, and serves for an exercise for the mind and body (It keeps us from going crazy). It also allows the artist to be in complete control, giving them a sense of power and can also be used to discover things about ourselves as well as that which is practical. McCloud also details how each piece of artwork, from comics to the high art of the Renaissance, are constructed from six ‘steps’ and only by applying to all of these in a detailed fashion will any piece of artwork’s message truly and consistently be transmitted to another clearly. These steps are idea, form, idiom/genre, structure, craft and surface.

The eighth chapter of the Scott McCloud’s ‘Understanding Comics’ discusses the usage of colour within comics, how it has been affected by commerce and technology and how it is another tool for creating mood and emotion around elements within these works of art.

Within the chapter, McCloud displays how color, similarly to line, has a great impact on the artistic style of comics (As well as any other artistic medium). However it is more infrequently used than line, as color is both strengthened and hindered by commerce and technology. While color will often boost sales of the product its used it, it often costs a lot more to produce than simple black and white. And while technology is making color easier to use it too is generally more expensive to purchase. But when color is used in comics the effects are easily seen. Colors and tone affect form and the depth of objects, the emotion, mood and sensations of the comic.

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