Friday, April 29, 2011


In Chapter 3 of his book McCloud discusses the relationship between different scenes in comics. McCloud talks about transitions between ideas and transition among different sections of comics. He states that the presentation that the comic takes on greatly contributes to how the viewer perceives the comic. McCloud also reviews the different types of comics that have been apparent in history and in other cultures. The author greatly stresses the large emphasis on comics in Japan. However, the Japanese view of comics is greatly different than how Americas perceive comics.
In Chapter 4 of the book, McCloud discusses time frames. Contents that occur in the frames can alter the duration of the comic. Also, regardless of how many panels the comic features, durations can vary over periods of time. A task of the illustrator or animator when constructing a comic is to have the viewer accurately perceive the comics as they are meant to be interpreted. Time and space can sometimes be irrelevant in comics if the subject matter does not relate to either of those items. I enjoyed the running man jumping scene that McCloud illustrated on pages 108 and 109. 

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